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M1울트라기본형 모델이  세일중입니다 

성능은 M2max 스튜디오보다 나은듯합니다 

요즘 m1모델 재고 떨이가 많아서 행복합니다?? ㅠㅎㅎ 

배대지 이용하셔야합니다 

참고로 이런 큰 물건들의 분실은 그나마 적습니다.. ㅎㅎ 

  • Apple M1 Ultra 20-Core CPU processor provides reliable performance and efficiency
  • 64GB Unified RAM memory - For multitasking power
  • 1TB SSD has plenty of space to store your digital photos, music library and document files
  • 48-Core GPU | 32-Core Neural Engine for enhanced viewing and sharp details
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