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해외싸이트예요, 정확한 사용판권 형태  등은 확인해봐야겠지만, 5~6만원선 OS는 보기드물지 않나요?

This is a digital purchase that will not be physically shipped. Digital deals are accessible via redemption process immediately after a successful purchase is made.

-> 디지털 코드만 준데요, 실물x

Length of access: lifetime

Redemption deadline: redeem your code within 30 days of purchase

This is NOT compatible with MS Office - Parallels Pro and Virtual Machines

Access options: desktop

Max number of device(s): 2 (Use one activation key for up to 2 devices)

Version: Windows 11 Pro

-  2 카피 사용되고, 평생사용, 30일이내 REDEEM,

(메인보드등 교체시도 인정되는 지는 확인이 필요할 수 도 있을 것 같아요)


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